Sunday, July 5, 2009

Project 2 Progress : Logo Design

As you see , my tittle was Pandora , this was the logo for my Design . ^@^

Project 2 Progress : Flow Chart

Interface Design - Tittle

Some time after the gods took over the heavens from the Titans, the time came when the earth needed new life brought upon it. This great task was given to Epimetheus and Prometheus. Epimetheus brought forth animals and gave them the greatest of qualities. After this was done, Prometheus noticed there were no great qualities left to give mankind to make them a match for the animals. With that, Prometheus stole fire from the heavens and gave it to the mortals. Zeus, insufferably angered by this thievery, had Hephaestus create a woman out of clay and dress her up with gifts from the gods. From Aphrodite she received beauty, Hermes gave her the power of persuasion, and Athena gave her all those feminine skills (you know what I'm talking about). This creation was named Pandora.
According to the Hesiod, Zeus then sent Pandora to Epimetheus as a gift. Epimetheus then proceeded to marry her against the wishes of his brother Prometheus who warned him never to take a gift from Zeus. Pandora was also sent with a strange jar* that was given to her by Zeus. Epimetheus forbade her ever to open this jar. Of course, Pandora secretly opened up the jar and out flew evil, despair, and all other unpleasurable obstacles for mankind to face. The only element that remained was hope.

Chatbox Design~~~~

HuHu~~~ last part for the first project
This was the chatbox I design to fit my icon.
For the first one one is about the symbomlize of king , like the throne and the crown...Royalty feel~~~
For the second one is the cute cartoon feel, i create a cute castle with blue sky green land, fit for my cartoonize icon .
What U Feel ? ^@^

Raster Icon Design~~~~

This was the raster set icon for my first project...
If you look at the icon I done , U will saw many PIXEL at there .
U can create ur own icon by using Photoshop too~~~
By the way this was the icon for :
--> sent file
--> game
--> message
--> webcam
--> contact
Can U Recognize it ? ^@^

Vector Icon Design~~~~

Other late submission assignment...
This was the first project I did in MM class...
I change the icon cartoonize
by giving they face, and body part.
By the way , this was the icon for
--> sent file
--> contact
--> game
--> message
--> webcam
Can U Recognize it ? ^@^

Clock Assignment~~~~~

Well , this was the clock made in the class @.@

By the way , this assignment should be post at here more early but.....

I post late.....Beside that , this was a lesson to teach you how to make the object look 3D by using different tone and value of colour... nice ? ^@^